Volume 9, Issue 1 (9-2023)                   SJNMP 2023, 9(1): 73-84 | Back to browse issues page

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dehpahlevan M M, Jouzi M, Abazari P. Comparison of the effect of two educational methods on the ability to manage care and document the provision of safe care in nursing intern students. SJNMP 2023; 9 (1) :73-84
URL: http://sjnmp.muk.ac.ir/article-1-566-en.html
1- Research Center for Development of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2- Department of Nursing,Nursing and Midwifery Development Research Center,Najafabad Branch,Islamic Azad University,Najafabad,Iran , minajouzi@yahoo.com
3- Nursing and Midwifery Research Center,Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,Isfahan,Iran.Nursing and Midwifery Development Research Center,Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University,Najafabad,Iran.
Abstract:   (712 Views)
Background & Aim: In the future, the field nursing student will be responsible for managing a ward alone, so having the ability to manage and provide safe care is one of the requirements of this profession. This study was conducted with the aim of comparing the effect of two educational methods on the ability to manage care and to document the provision of safe care in nursing intern students.
Materials & methods: The number of samples in the first part (retrospective - face-to-face training) was 112 students and in the second part(intermittent-virtual training)169 students had the conditions to enter the research. To collect information, a part of the reliable and valid questionnaire tool "Clinical Competence of Nursing Students in Arena" by Jouzi and colleagues (2014) was used, which included the management dimension of clinical competence. To analyze the data, SPSS 24 software was used at the level of (P>0.05).
Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference in the mean scores of ability in care management and documentation of safe care provision of nursing students in two courses of virtual and face-to-face training (p>0.05).
Conclusion: The nursing intern students in the virtual education course, like the students in the face-to-face course, were able to obtain high grades in terms of their ability to manage care and document the provision of safe care, which shows that the training provided to students during the Corona era was effective in maintaining students' competence.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/08/30 | Revised: 2023/09/23 | Accepted: 2023/09/21 | Published: 2023/09/21 | ePublished: 2023/09/21

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