Volume 2, Issue 2 (Autumn 2016)                   SJNMP 2016, 2(2): 58-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Allahveysi F, Mahmoodi M, Elahimanesh F, Parvizpoor S. Common X-ray machine quality control in hospitals affiliated with Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. SJNMP 2016; 2 (2) :58-72
URL: http://sjnmp.muk.ac.ir/article-1-85-en.html
Abstract:   (4186 Views)

Introduction and Aims: Diagnostic Radiology has the largest share in the artificial ionizing radiation sources in the society. One of the most important factors in reducing radiation dose is quality control and ensuring the quality and performance of radiology devicesQuality control is conducted to produce high-quality radiographic images with minimum radiation dose.

Materials and Methods: Ten normal X-ray machines in 5 hospitals affiliated to Kurdistan university of Medical Sciences were studied. Then, 10 standard of quality control were conducted based on the protocol recommended by the 74 report (quality control standards) American Association of Medical Physics (AAMP) and Report No. 103 of the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP). Finally, data were statistically evaluated and the percentage of error of each parameter was compared with existing standards.

: In some devices the overall filtration parameters’ error and voltage accuracy was higher than acceptable range and needed to be reformed. Also, in some devices the percentage of of radiation field compliance and light field was more than acceptable range based on the existing standards. Some devices in the province had boundary and threshold error.

Conclusion: According to the recommendations of the Commission on Radiation Protection and Medical Physics Society of America, most of the parameters of the devices in question were in agreement with existing standards and were in acceptable range

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/06/10 | Revised: 2019/07/1 | Accepted: 2017/03/5 | Published: 2017/05/17 | ePublished: 2017/05/17

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